Sunday, September 6, 2009


ch. 11

pg 228

"The cicadas were going crazy, filling the air with their strange brand of singing."
I think cicadas are large insects that make noises.


  1. Remember 5 years ago, when the "17-year cicadas" descended on Maryland? They basically climb out of the ground, mate, lay eggs in trees and die, all within a period of weeks. They don't eat anything (they don't even have mouths) but they make a lot of noise. If you missed them, you'll have to wait until 2021 for the next Cicada Party . . .

  2. cicadas also leave behind shells. i remember stepping on them all the time thinking they were living.

  3. when that huge cicada rush came about at recess my friends and I would go around our play ground and around the trees adn look at the cicada shells they left behind


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